Tuesday 26 June 2018


Image result for inside a crustacean

Crustacean galore
Have you ever heard of a Crustacean? Crustaceans, in my opinion I think they are pretty cool animals. They are a group of invertebrates like crabs, lobsters, shrimp and many other animals. There are about 30,000 species of crustaceans.

You can find them on land, and in the sea but you would usually find them in rock pools.  When they are 2-4 years old they move into the deep waters so you would only find small Crustaceans in rock pools which I usually would find.Rendered Image

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Crustaceans feed on scraps and dead things usually night. They breathe oxygen like us humans but through gills like fish so they can breath under water.  
Lobster on Emojipedia 11.1

Shrimp are my favorite crustaceans ever they are so amazing because there are seven species and they serve as cleaners for other fish.Lobster on Twitter Twemoji 11.0Rendered Image

We humans eat a lot of crustaceans from the sea ( I think squid rings are there the best I just had to say that) so we need to protect them. You can help by making sure no rubbish in the sea. Image result for crab gif funny

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