Monday 5 August 2019


My Hero
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The person who is my hero is Scarlet witch.
This person is my hero because She is my favorite Marvel character.
Two words that describe this person are kind and creepy.
One thing the person does that I admire is She has had a bad back story because her parents are dead but she is still saving the world!
One way I can be more like my hero is by getting powers.

Are you a hero? Yes, Write a few sentences telling about something that you did that you think was heroic. So once upon a time I was walking on a beach called Whiritoa and I came across a little blue penguin And then I saw that it was dead, So I picked it up with some sticks and I dug a hole then put Pingu in it, ( the penguin was called Pingu ) I put some sand on top and made a little cross for it!


  1. Hi Zoe i'm Zion-LI from Room 22. I like that you described your Hero and how you like that hero. My favorite hero is Wonder Woman. blog ya later here's a link to my blog

  2. Hi Zoe it's Abbie here from Abbie here from Grey Main School.
    I really like your hero and that she is kind and creepy!
    That is so kind what you did for that penguin I'm sure he would of loved it.
    Bye from Abbie

  3. Hi my name is Shivish I'm from Room 23. I like how you are described your hero scarlet witch


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