Thursday, 17 May 2018

Letter to PM

Owairaka District School
113-115 Richardson Rd
Mt Albert

Wednesday 16th May

Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 8 Executive Wing
Parliament Buildings

Dear Prime Minister,

Sorry to bother you but do you know about Garden to Table? Well if you do not, I can tell you that it's really fun. I think that you should let other schools have the Garden to Table program as well. You can get lots of new skills and experiences.

When you are in the garden you can water plants, pick vegetables for the kitchen, plant new seedlings and improve the garden.  In the kitchen you cook food, put it on plates nicely and (well both garden and kitchen do it but) eat the food. In Garden to Table we also learn maths and reading skills, especially when we read from the recipes.

Garden to Table helps us try new things. I had a banana skin muffin! I know it sounds AWFUL but guess what, it was delicious. I also had tofu. It looked like a SQUISHY MASH but all the same it was delicious. There was also a green smoothie it looked GROSS but once again it was delicious.

I think you should really come and try our food that we cook and even cook in the kitchen yourself using vegetables from our garden. We hope you will help other school have the Garden to Table program and build more gardens .
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Image result for owairaka school garden to tableImage result for owairaka school garden to tableImage result for owairaka school garden to table

Yours sincerely,

Zoe :)